Mar 01 2007

Malapascua recovery

Published by at 9:32 pm under Scott's Adventures,Uncategorized

I’m amazingly not hung over, but I wake up to find a nice pool of vomitous on the floor and the wall, and apparently out the glass-slat window and down the outside of the house (oops!)

There’s some ugly business going down outside my window – it appears that our neighbor has brought in the local Baranggay (like the police) to officially report on the generator, and the whole family is all over the situation. The Baranggay (being a local) completely sides with the family that the generator is legal, allowed, and expected to be used, and lays into the guy for creating such a fuss over it. There’s talk of filing legal complaints and calling the sheriff, and I wonder if this guy gets it: he’s surrounded by Pepitos, and he’s seriously pissing them off! Filipinos take family seriously, and really hate being told what to do. Clearly this guys headed for major trouble.

Seb’s also suffering from memory loss, and we decide that this is an excellent day to take it easy. I deflect the many “Tanduay! Drink!” (followed by howls of laughter) thrown my way by members of the family, and we decide to get a little away time in the water. Seb and I have been eyeing some tiny rock outcroppings a few hundred meters off shore, and we gear up to swim out to them. It’s a long swim and it takes close to an hour to get out to the rocks – the family, probably concerned about our health, shark attacks, and as Seb puts it “generally watching their wallet” sends out a small fishing boat to ghost us, so we’re not really in any danger. The soft coral is fantastic, and by the time we head back, the sun is rapidly setting. It’s a fabulous sunset, and as we float in the warm water and watch the pinks and yellows transform over the silhouette of the island, we realize we’re living the ideal postcard vacation!

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