Mar 03 2007

Malapascua chicken

Published by at 10:05 pm under Scott's Adventures,Uncategorized

We “waste” a day lazily lounging around the card table, and the family decides to make us a fresh chicken dinner. The men jump to life, and gather near the BBQ with a few live chickens. After positioning a bowl to catch the blood, one of them pulls back each chicken’s head while another slits open its throat. They talk casually while the struggling chicken’s life is drained away, and then pass each to Noel who drops them headfirst into a warm bucket of water. Noel seems to enjoy his task more than the others, and gives us a single-toothed smile while holding the three chicken underwater by their twitching feet: “Heheh, still alive! Heheh, still alive!” a twinkle in his eye… Finally, he dunks them in near-boiling water, and they all attack the chickens, plucking the feathers off easily. In a few minutes, we’re eating the freshest chicken I’ve ever had…

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