Mar 11 2007

Cebu, transit

Published by at 8:50 pm under Scott's Adventures,Uncategorized

We’ve made a few good plans on the internet, and we pack up early to head to Cebu. The whole family’s bailing out of the house, so we’re blessed with the “bigger boat” that promises to make the journey somewhat drier than we’ve been used to! The boat drops us at Maya, and we bid farewell to most of Mabel’s family who are headed back to Leyte (and home). We opt to switch to the AC bus in Bogo, and travel “in style” (as much as that’s possible) the rest of the trip to Cebu.

In Cebu, we get a chance to visit Mabel’s brother/sister Michelle’s house where she plans to grab a bag she’s left there and repack some belongings for the UK. Michelle’s house is in a very rough market, and if we thought we stuck out before, we’d seen nothing yet! Just by standing about while Mabel packs, we draw a large crowd of all ages. One of Mabel’s cousins discretely guards our bags (and backs) from local thieves while Mabel busily chooses what to discard and what to keep from her life’s belongings.

Michelle invites us up to her room… this is an adventure I’m not sure I can put in words. The entrance is a dark alley (no, really a tunnel) hidden between two of the market’s stalls. The ceiling’s low and hangs with rags and webs, at our feet is a a long muck puddle that we follow in the near blackness. By a small naked bulb we find a small wooden stepladder that looks like’ll barely hold our weight. We climb gingerly, and then thread our way between close walls of exposed beams, and try not to tread on some cute puppies that have made a home in a corner. Trying not to hit our head again, we eventually make it to Michelle (and her lover’s) “nest,” a 8x9ft room with a small bed and TV on a box as about it’s only contents; it’s surprisingly clean given it’s surroundings, and there’s even some nice fabric hanging around the bed. Above her, below, and basically on all sides are other small rooms about the same size. Mabel later tells us that they have a small bunsen burner for cooking dinner, and Seb and I both immediately point out the incredible, blazing inferno that will someday engulf Michelle’s house! She really must move! But at $12/month, it’s all they can manage.

Once we sort out Mabel’s life, we bail for the airport, Manila, and the Park Oasis hotel (H’s old haunt)

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