Mar 12 2007

Manila, visa hell

Published by at 6:29 am under Scott's Adventures,Uncategorized

A Japanese visa for Mabel is going to take over a week, if she can get one at all. Seb needs to be back in the UK in two weeks, and so he suggests putting Mabel up in a great hotel in Cebu (near her friends) and going to Tokyo anyway. Mabel isn’t having any of it; Seb’s apparently said if she couldn’t go, he wouldn’t either, and she’s furious that he’s changed his mind! Tokyo is a trip of a lifetime for Seb though (he and I have talked about it for years) and he really wants to go. He argues that he’s spent the last month doing and paying for everything with Mabel’s family, and he’s earned enough credit for a few days in Japan. Mabel is immovable though, and there appears to be a real battle brewing…

In the end, Seb learns the real reason for Mabel’s anxiety – it’s not a fear of separation, but of abandonment! Mabel believes that even after all the time they’ve been together, Seb’s not coming back for her! Once these fears come to light and can be discussed, Mabel agrees to stay in Cebu (in a nice 4 star with a pool), and we start looking at how to get at to all that sushi hiding in Tokyo.

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